Monday, October 8, 2012

TAT: my little crazy

Toddle Along Tuesday has us talking about quirky habits of our LOs. P has plenty but my 2 favorites right now are her love of boxes and her "walks."

I have posted about her box obsession before. Here is a little taste:

Or you can read more here:

P was a "late" walker at almost 16 months but she has not let this stop her. 
Now the minute we pull in the driveway, her first reaction is to say "WALK!"  She could go outside forever!  
Here are my favorite shots! (Some are inside, I know!)


  1. My son could walk forever too!

  2. It seemed to take my daughter forever to learn how to walk (she was 15 months), but once she started, she never wanted to be held again! It's crazy how suddenly they seem to 'grow up' sometimes!

    1. P was a later walker too - almost 15 months. It is crazy!

  3. Boxes are so much fun - I remember playing in boxes as a kid! how fun!
    My daughter would rather RUN down the street than walk...!

    Thanks for joining in on this weeks Toddle Along Tuesday!

    1. I want to get one if those coloring houses fir Christmas for her too! Thanks for cohosting!

  4. I visited from the Tottle along Tuesday. My little girl was a late walker too. She has 4 big sisters who would pick her up every time she wanted something. I was guilty of doing the same thing. After seeing her cousin who is a month younger walking at probably 10 months old, I told the older kids not to pick her up so much. If she wanted mommy, she could learn to walk to her. Didn't take long after that. Plus she liked it because being up meant a better ability to dance (and follow everyone around).


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