Sunday, December 11, 2011

What a weekend!

I definitely have a love hate relationship with this time of year. Here are the good and bad if it for me:

The good:
- I love shopping and more importantly I love buying things for people that they want. I am usually good and remembering the little things that J wants but doesn't buy through the year and save some for Christmas.
- I love get togethers. I like to graze and chat and lounge! I love to host too.
- I love the cheesy decor that the holidays bring. Christmas lights are my favorite!
- Christmas day is my mom's shinning moment and I love that she revels in it so much.
- I love the traditions that J and I have started so far and am cherishing the new ones we have and will continue with P.

The not so good:
- Family drama. It is over nothing big but it always is there.
- Going nonstop! I feel like once Thanksgiving hits I don't sit until I go back to work in January.
- Feeling like the amount of money spent is more important than the gift. This is a hang up that I have since I am low man on the totem poke in terms of money in my family. I know that I need to let it go but...
- My type A personality getting the best of e and decorating. If you can't go all out on lights and do it right, then don't do it! I know that this does match the fact that I love lights but I like them done well and consistently on a house. Did I mention I am type A?
- (This year only) Being on a restricted diet. Do you understand how hard a cookie exchange is when you are milk free!

This weekend was one of those weekends where I loved most of what was going on but some of my bad list kept coming up. I need to look out our window at the good lights and smile with P and J.

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