Friday, August 5, 2011

New old fun

I knew when we decided to have a baby that I wanted to make baby food. I thought it would be fun since I like to cook. I thought it would save money because everything baby is expensive. I thought that it would be healthier due to me picking the ingredients. I think that is is really fun, not expensive, and good for P. Well, the last one isn't official since we won't start her on solids until she is 6 months old.

Even with the lag in her starting solids, I have time to make some now. Using one of the three (obsess much???) cookbooks I have I picked several "first foods" to make. Now in the freezer we have acorn squash, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, peas, apples, and plums. I will be adding peaches tomorrow. I hope to add pears, apricots, zuchinni, and pumpkin. That should get us started.

I don't think I should do any "stage 2" foods until we know about any other allergies. This will be hard since I have had so much fun making these. I feel good about picking out the fruit and vegetables. I enjoy cooking (enough said again). I love organizing the newest additions to the freezer stash. It makes me want a deep freezer - a girl can dream right???

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