Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Milestone Monday (a little late)

I know I am a day off but this is a big one! I have been milk and soy free since June once P was given the MSPI diagnosis. I will never forget the pedi face when I told her I would restrict my diet over moving directly to formula. Please note this is not a knock on those who do not and/or cannot breastfeed. BF was something that I had hoped I could do and worked very hard to be able to do. In that moment, knowing what I had to give up and that 3 months was great and that stopping was not a failure, I made the choice to try. Lucky for me there are lots of swaps, resources, and recipes out there. Along with my great hubby, my fabulous friends have helped me through this to.

At P's 6 month well check, the pedi said that at about 7 and a half months I could start reintroducing soy. My original plan was to wait until 9 months but I realized that stuffing at Thanksgiving was going to be tricky without soybean oil. So last Sunday, just shy of 8 months I brought back soybean oil and soy letixhin. I started small with 2 servings a day. Now I am doing about 3-4 servings a day and... NO reactions! I am so grateful! I am not sure what will come next but I know that I will be going very slow. Milk is months off but this is a start and brings back lots of options for me!

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