This past Thursday Payton turned 8 months! Where has the time gone? Here are the basics:
Age: 8 months
Weight: not officially sure. She doesn't have to go back to the doctor til 9 months, but if I had to guess, I would say between 20 and 21 pounds!
Size: size 3 diapers and 9 month clothes. We are asking for 12 month sizes for Christmas but we will be good in 9 month stuff for a little longer.
Sleeping: things are going well here! She goes to bed around 8:30 each night. Week days she is either up on her own around 6 or daddy gets her by 6:30. Weekends are off and on. She has given us a couple mornings til 7:45 but others she is up at 6:30. I cannot complain though!
Feeding: still going strong with breastfeeding and getting into solids. She takes pumped milk like a champ 4ish times a day and I nurse her when we are together. We are on oatmeal cereal once a day and 3-4oz of purees throughout the day. She also LOVES her puffs!
Milestones: sitting very well unassisted is the biggest. She is babbling up a storm but nothing too specific. I have been signing with her and I swear she knows more. J saw it too but she didn't do it today.
Favorite toys/activities: she loves Sophie, her taggie blankets and links the best. The play mat is good but the cats are more fun to watch. The jumperoo is still a go to for sure. I am pumped to see how she likes all the goodies family and Santa bring her soon!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving! She gets to see some extended family. I hope the stranger danger isn't too bad. She gets to meet Santa at the mall which although in controversial in this house mom wins this year. Christmas will rock too!
Aw! Happy 8 months!