Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blog on Fire

Thank you to the "Scherman Family Four" blog for awarding me the Blog on Fire award! The blog thing is still new to me and I would love to get more followers so I can try some more things. Time will tell how this all goes, but I am glad that Mrs.Monica likes what she sees!

Now the rules for redeeming this award are:

•Write 7 things about yourself
•Pass this award on to 10 other bloggers

About me:
1. I have a passion for my job. I am lucky that I found the ideal place for me - teaching!
2. I am a nerd. I hope I don't look like the classic but I am a nerd through and through!
3. I am super organized but procrastinate. Odd but true!
4. I have a fake tooth.
5. I hate spiders and snakes. My motto is - if it was meant to move on land with more than four legs or less and two, we are not friends!
6. I love pink and all it stands for.
7. Reality TV is my escape!!

Blogs you HAVE TO check out:
1. MODG - this is one of the funniest things I have ever read!
2. MSPI Mama - a God sent to those of us on a restricted diet.
3. Brookie's Baby Bargains - I am newer to this one, but I am loving the new stuff I can learn about!
4. Hoping for a Chance - a fellow TTTCer who is now KU!!
5. End the asshattery already! - another fellow TTTCer with a LO and a fabulous sense of humor!
6. Born in a Barn - another new brand new mom loving the experience!
(I am still new to this blog thing so I only have a few!)

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