Saturday, May 25, 2013

Toddler issue - preschool and socializing

I'm back with another toddler dilemma that we will soon be facing.  Both J and I work full time.  Luckily we have a great place for P to be while we are working.  We take her to an in home sitter.  Our sitter only watches a few other kids and luckily, one of the boys is right around P's age.  There is also a boy who is two years older who has been a a great role model.  Unfortunately he will not be returning next year.

We have a potential of a day care/preschool option through my work that would have P starting preschool at the beginning of the school year after she turns 3.  She would be in preschool for a few hours a day, then they have unstructured day care the remainder of the day.  We can do this for 2 years.  The only catch is, this preschool is only available if there are enough kids and my work offers it.

I have always wanted P to get into more structure and around more kids sooner rather than later.  Being an only child and only having a few kids at the sitter is great but also has it's problems.  I really want to get her social skills developed.  Preschool and more traditional daycare would really help with this.

My dilemma is that I am not sure if she needs two years of this or not.  What do you think?  Is two years of preschool necessary?

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